We carefully select our partners based on a shared attitude and belief, something which sits at the heart of our mission. Our best projects are with early-adopting companies, big or small, that are convinced this is the time to lead their markets to new ecological horizons. Early adopters of new plastic materials that offer an answer to today’s problems. Companies that want to “green” their products at an accelerated pace and count on a fully customized product. And last but not least: companies and governments that facilitate the creation of these new materials.
Because building a New Plastics Economy is a practice best done together.
We are an R&D centre for the fastest and most accurate screening and scaling of biomaterials from gram to ton scale. Beyond that, we are becoming a Specialty Biomaterials Production centre for the supply of biomaterials up to 1 Kton at your doorstep. Furthermore, our Tech Platforms are organized in a Licencing House for Tech Transfers to your own equipment – to give them the fast and broad impact up to millions of tons. Last but not least, we transform our technologies into prototype bioproducts that you can use and experience in your daily life.